Monday, August 6, 2012

Departure Date Approaches

It's hard to believe that my time at Lutheridge has come to a close.  We've packed up after our last cabins and have said good-bye to those who have made up the summer staff family.  After such an amazing time of growth and support, the farewell is going to take some time to sink in.  There have been ups and downs, times that tested my patience and times that have been so amazing that I can't believe that this has been my job.  The reward for this work has been incredible.  I've been able to witness God at work in a Christ-centered community and see the faith of staff and campers alike strengthened.  Just this summer has been greatly emotional, but now I have to turn my attention to my ever nearing departure date.

I guess living in the moment at camp has held off a lot of thought concerning my feelings towards departure. I've known that it's been getting ever closer, but there's always been some camp time between now and then that has made it seem a bit farther away.  That cushion's not there anymore.  As I write this, there are less than nine days until I leave for Chicago.  There's no way around it, as excited as I am, I can't help feeling somewhat apprehensive about what lies ahead and overwhelmed with all the things that I still have to do in order to prepare for leaving. But there's still plenty of positives to focus on that will help me along the way.

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I'm so grateful for those who have shown support in various ways from helping me raise the money to be able to go to saying that they would be keeping me in their thoughts and prayers while I'm away (NEVER underestimate the power of prayer!).  Just knowing that these people will be thinking of me and praying for me is a major reminder that as I have a huge "cloud of witnesses" to rely on.  I can share with them the stories of God at work and know that I'm not alone.  At the same time, I'm excited to meet a new community to become connected with.  I'll be able to reunite with YAGMs soon enough and deepen my relationship with that Christ-centered community of support and also meet a new community in Tenom.  I don't know completely what's in store, but I think I'm ready to take a leap of faith and see what God has planned.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all the time Rebecca. Dad
